Next Year In Bombay

Monday, March 14, 2011 6:30pm NY Premiere

'Next Year in Bombay'

Next Year In Bombay

Tough questions are raised in this contemporary story of the Bene Israel, a Jewish community settled in India for more than 2000 years, and who only count 4000 people still living in and around Bombay today. This unique Jewish culture is at risk of disappearing from the world within one generation, and many families are afraid they will have to choose between staying in India, their homeland, and realizing their Jewish faith. Writer and Director: Jonas Parienté and Mathias Mangin. India, 2010, 55 mins.

Post-screening talk with Nissim B. Reuben, Program Director, Indian-Jewish American Relations, American Jewish Committee, Washington, DC. Presented in cooperation with Be'chol Lashon (In Every Tongue), the Indo American Arts Council and TiE Tri State.

Jonas Parienté studied in Paris (BA in Sociology) and New York (MFA in Integrated Media Arts) where he directed his first two short documentaries. Bodies & Soul is a portrait of his then-neighbor Joe, whose life incarnates the transformations of the Lower East Side, from the self-destructive punk era to the more gentrified current period. After his first hour-long documentary, Next year in Bombay, he directed a web-documentary for French public TV on Mumbai's urbanization from the eyes and experience of a rickshaw driver ("A rickshaw in the city").

Mathias Mangin was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and grew up in Paris. He graduated in finance from Edhec Business School, and later studied photography in Sao Paulo and filmmaking in New York. His short fiction film The Chance was selected in festivals in Paris and Toronto. He also directed Paris, Adeus, a short video art piece shown during the Year of France in Brazil and on TV Cultura. Mathias is part of a screenwriting workshop at the famous Fémis School of Cinéma in Paris.

Next Year In Bombay

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