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Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance, August 18-21 2008
Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance - AUG 18 (Consulate)
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Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance - AUG 18 (Chase Plaza)
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Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance - AUG 19 (Chase Plaza)
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Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance - AUG 19
(1 - Workshop - Abhinaya with Rachna Sarang)
Workshop - Abhinaya with Rachna Sarang Workshop - Abhinaya with Rachna Sarang Workshop - Abhinaya with Rachna Sarang
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Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance - AUG 19
(2 - Workshop with Tadej Brdnik fr. Martha Graham)
Workshop with Tadej Brdnik fr. Martha Graham Workshop with Tadej Brdnik fr. Martha Graham  Workshop with Tadej Brdnik fr. Martha Graham
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Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance - AUG 19
(3 - Dr. Uttara Coorlawala Lecture)
Dr. Uttara Coorlawala Lecture Dr. Uttara Coorlawala Lecture Dr. Uttara Coorlawala Lecture
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Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance - AUG 19
(4 - Panel discussion - Erasing borders)
Panel discussion - Erasing borders Panel discussion - Erasing borders Panel discussion - Erasing borders
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Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance - AUG 20 (1-Panel- aesthitics of Indian Dance)
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Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance - AUG 20
(2-Panel Reinterpretation of Traditonal Movement)
Panel Reinterpretation of Traditonal Movement Panel Reinterpretation of Traditonal Movement Panel Reinterpretation of Traditonal Movement
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Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance - AUG 20 (3-Film screenings)
Film screenings Film screenings Film screenings
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Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance - AUG 20
(4-Evening Concert-Transitions & Translocations)
Evening Concert-Transitions & Translocations Evening Concert-Transitions & Translocations Evening Concert-Transitions & Translocations
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Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance - AUG 21 (1- Workshop- Injury prevention)
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Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance - AUG 21
(2-Dancing for the Gods-Preeti's talk)
Dancing for the Gods Preeti's talk Dancing for the Gods Preeti's talk Dancing for the Gods Preeti's talk
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Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance - AUG 21 (3- Panel-Sustainable dance)
Panel-Sustainable dance Panel-Sustainable dance Panel-Sustainable dance
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Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance - ( 4-Workshop-Light Design )
Workshop-Light Design Workshop-Light Design Workshop-Light Design
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Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance - ( Evening Concert - Globaliz-Asians )
Evening Concert - Globaliz-Asians Evening Concert - Globaliz-Asians Evening Concert - Globaliz-Asians
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Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance - ( Gala )
Gala Gala Gala
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