Through the Eyes of Others: Photographs of India
Steven Jay Fisher
Photo - 1 Photo - 2
Baha’I Temple Pool, Delhi Cell Phone Notary, Chandigarh
Title: Baha’I Temple Pool, Delhi
Medium: color print
Size: 11” x 14” print; framed 19”x 23”
Date: 2005
Price: $550
Title: Cell Phone Notary, Chandigarh
Medium: color print
Size: 11" x 14" print; framed 19"x 23"
Date: 2005
Price: $550
Photo - 3 Photo - 4
Wedding Reception, Chandigarh Peacock Lady, Jaipur
Title: Wedding Reception, Chandigarh
Medium: color print
Size: 11" x 14" print; framed 19"x 23"
Date: 2005
Price: $550
Title: Peacock Lady, Jaipur
Medium: color print
Size: 11” x 14” print; framed 19”x 23”
Date: 2005
Price: $550

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