



Press Release



Anita Ratnam

Rajika Puri

Swati Bhise

Janaki Patrik

Dancers with a Difference: Monday March 6, 2006

Indian Express
March 17, 2006


Consulate all smiles for Indian arts, cultural actvities

With a series of concerts, painting exhibitions and dance performances Indian-Americans and those interested in Indian arts and culture have suddenly realized that the Consulate is fast becoming a center of such activities.

An exhibition of paintings and art work by eminent New York-based artists which ended last week was visited by hundreds of people "It is an effort which has gone down well among the artists community here," observed painter Bivas Chaudhuri.

Sharing his experience, Chaudhuri said it would be really helpful, if some of the basic facilities like proper lighting could be improved. One of his paintings, inaugurated recently, was put on display at the exhibition and attracted a large number of people in the Ball Room.

In Anita Ratnam's words
I wish that the Consulate would improve conditions for the performing arts. For art exhibitions the hall is very beautiful and majestic but extremely distracting for paintings to be viewed correctly. The white walls and tall ceilings are really meant for state dinners and official receptions.

I danced at the same main ballroom with my sister Pritha in 1979. That was when I first came to New York and critic Dr Sunil Kothari presented the show Even then I remember that suggestions were given to Srinivasan, the then Consul General.

New York has grown, our community has also matured and this city is so important in world affairs. The Consulate in New York has perhaps never seen, such a huge crowd for an event like it did this time.

All we are requesting is some improvements for the performing arts to be viewed and performed with greater clarity. Even Pandit Ravi Shankar performed there 20 years ago when he released his album Tana Mana.

I am sure that many dancers have given suggestions in the past for improvement of the conditions. I am confident that the present Consul General Deo will implement them soon.

This is the city that everyone passes through and wishes to visit. Our Consulate should have the appropriate space like the Nehru Center in London and the stage at the Indian Embassy in Berlin where audiences can gather to watch good performances.


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