


Sixth Annual IAAC 2009 Erasing Borders Exhibition of Contemporary
Indian Art of the Diaspora

Niyeti Chadha Kannal

Niyeti Chadha Niyeti Chadha Kannal

Artist Statement

There are Meis Van Der Rohe's glass grids and the precisely sewn patches of a filled sail, a flowing gossamer fabric and a grounded stack of bricks. Images like such evoke a reaction and are often consciously chosen as a point of reference.

The reference co-ordinate, hence, placed in representation, the other co-ordinates move constantly in a multi dimensional space to discover points that together confess an underlying identity. There is a conscious effort to hold on to the finite space while one manipulates to discover options in infinity. The visual journey between the point of origin and the discovery of other points opens up a dialogue that speaks not about an objective reality but of the possible expression of an inner state.

My work is a search for fleeting landscapes in this multi dimensional space.

Educational Qualification

  • M.F.A (Printmaking) M.S. University of Baroda, Baroda, India, 2003
  • B.F.A, (Printmaking) Govt. College of Art, Chandigarh, India, 2001

Awards & Scholarships

  • Scholarship at the Manhattan Graphics Centre, New York (2006)
  • INLAKS Fine Art Award, Inlaks Foundation, India (2005)
  • Junior Research Fellowship granted by University Grants Commission, India (2003)
  • Gold Medal, M.F.A (Printmaking), M.S. University of Baroda, Baroda. India (2003)
  • Roll of Honor in Printmaking by the Punjab University, Chandigarh. India (2001)

Solo Exhibitions

  • Recent Drawings- Art Konsult, New Delhi, India (2008)
  • Recent Drawings - Gallery Beyond, Mumbai, India (2007)
  • Exhibition of Drawings at Rabindra Bhavan, New Delhi, India (2005)
  • Very Personal - Exhibition of Prints, Indus Bank Gallery, Chandigarh, India (2000)

Group Exhibitions

  • White Lies, Bombay Art Gallery, Mumbai, India (2008)
  • Trends & Trivia - an Indian Story, Visual Arts Centre, Hong Kong (2008)
  • Millennium Turks- Envisaging Contemporary India, Trident Hotel, Gurgaon, India (2008)
  • Magnetic Forms - Curated by Bhavna Kakar, Art Konsult, New Delhi, India (2007)
  • Does Size Matter? - II, Curated by Bhavna Kakar, Studio Confluence at NCPA, Mumbai, India
  • Erasing Borders- Indian Artists in the Diaspora, Queens Museum of Art, The Guild Art Gallery, New
    York (2007)
  • Does Size Matter? - I, Curated by Bhavna Kakar, Art Konsult, New Delhi, India (2006)
  • Mark,Etch & Print - Art Konsult, New Delhi, India ( 2006)
  • Team Unteamed - Art Konsult, New Delhi, India (2005)
  • Abstract Sublime- Anant Art Gallery, New Delhi, India (2005)


  • AAF 2008-NY, The Guild, NY (2008)
  • International Print Biennale, Bharat Bhavan, Bhopal, India (2004, 2006, 2008)
  • Boston Printmakers Biennale, 2007, Boston (2007)
  • Oberoi Art Camp, Organised by Gallery Beyond, Mumbai (2007)
  • INKLANDIA: an International Print Exhibition, Purdue University, Indiana, U.S.A (2006)
  • Multiple Encounters- An exhibition of Indo-American Prints in collaboration with The Manhattan Graphics Centre, New York, at New Delhi. (2004), Chandigarh (2005), Jaipur, India (2006)
  • 46th, 47th,48tth National Exhibition, India


  • Purdue University, Indiana, U.S.A
  • Anant Art Gallery, New Delhi, India
  • Gallery Beyond, Mumbai, India
  • Bombay Art Gallery, India
  • Private Collections in India and abroad

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