
IAAC Exhibition of Contemporary Indian Art of the Diaspora 2011   

Anujan Ezhikode
Anujan Ezhikode

Anujan Ezhikode


My work deals with cultural identity, displacement and memory. I am reinterpreting that familiar place which overtime can’t help but be altered and reimagined. As the past unwinds, there is a longing to reconnect. Connections once broken become retied and memories long hidden resurface. Color, images, and time all intersect with an absence of boundaries.

To extend that line of narrative in my work, I use mediums that also have history, layering image over image and using fabrics once wore by me or by family. The fabrics unite image and memory and carry an already existing personal imprint. This emotional connection fills the empty space and brings its own memories. My figures stand as witnesses to this passage of time.

Anujan Ezhikode was born in India and studied makeup and costume design at the Kerala Kalamandalam, Kerala State Academy of Arts; a school famous for its classical dance, music, and theater programs. In New York, he studied painting and printmaking at the Art Students League. He has won a “John Hovannes Memorial Merit Scholarship”, a “Diverse Forms Artists Projects Regional Initiative Grant”, a “Project Studio Program Residency at Painting Space 122”, an installation for the “Mid-Manhattan library Art in Windows series” and a “Manhattan Graphics Center Fall Printmaking Scholarship”.

In 2009, he was chosen to be one of six artists whose work and words were featured in an audio, video, and live presentation for the National Day of Listening at the NYPL on Fifth Avenue. The interview material is archived at the Library of Congress.

In May of 2010, his “Journey Through Broken Bubbles” was the solo show at the UUFH Gallery in Huntington, NY. In the fall of 2010, he was the featured artist at the Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition’s show “Lineage” where he presented his installation, print and painting project, “Transparent Space”.

His work has also been exhibited widely at museums, galleries, universities, and libraries among them the Queens Museum of Art, Islip Art Museum, the Hammond Museum, JCAL, The Guild Art Gallery in Chelsea, the Twelve Gates Art Gallery in Philadelphia, the Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, the galleries at Manhattanville College, Penn College, St. John’s University, the 80 Washington Square East galleries at New York University, the Permanent Mission of India to the UN and the Indian Consulate.

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