Playwrights Week
Press / Publicity
Submissions 2011

Playwrights’ Week 2011 Application Form

The Lark’s annual Playwrights’ Week focuses exclusively on developing new and unheard voices for the theatre through targeted outreach efforts, growth opportunities for playwrights and organized forums for community discussion. Playwrights selected for this program are provided with creative teams, ten hours of rehearsal time and a public presentation to address specific developmental goals.

Email/Postmark Deadline for all submissions: November 20, 2010 (11:59pm for E-Submissions)

We are committed to a blind reading policy and ask that you remove any identifying information from the script itself.  Applications should be typed.
Incomplete submissions will be discarded.  Before submitting your script, please review the
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES at the conclusion of this application!

Word or PDF (preferred) files only.  Emailed submissions are strongly encouraged.
Please EMAIL your script and completed application as two separate attachments to:

PRINT and MAIL completed submission materials to:
Lark Play Development Center
c/o Playwrights’ Week Submissions
939 Eighth Avenue, Suite 301
New York, NY 10019

Co-writer/collaborator (if applicable):
Primary Phone:
Cell Phone:
Mailing Address:

How did you hear about Playwrights’ Week and/or the Lark?

Lark staff or associate*
Lark Flyer
Lark website/email/newsletter
Newsletter/list serve*
Theatre company*
University listing*
Web search
Word of mouth

Have you ever had your work presented and/or developed at the Lark?
 If yes, please explain:


Statement of Purpose:           
Describe how you would use the Playwrights’ Week ten hour workshop to investigate and strengthen specific aspects of your play.  This information is vital to the Lark’s decision-making process.  Please set detailed and assessable goals.


Tell us more about yourself in 100 words or less. Be sure to include occupation,     
Training and/or any awards you’ve received.

Play Information
Synopsis: (Please limit to 2-3 sentences)

Number of pages:


Number of Actors required:   Male    Female


Please list any prior development work and/or productions for this work only:



Please take a moment and fill in the information requested below.
This questionnaire is not a part of the application and will not affect the review of your play. Your response will be kept confidential by Lark staff and will be used to monitor our diversity outreach efforts to support program growth.

Other (please describe)       

Age Range:

Race or Ethnicity: (Please check all that apply)
Under 18 African-American Native-American
18-24 Asian South Asian
25-40 Eastern European White/Caucasian
41-60 Hispanic Other (Please specify)
Over 60 Middle-Eastern

Country of Origin:




No more than ONE play per playwright will be considered.

Submit ONE complete copy of your play and ONE completed application.

List ONLY the play title on the cover page.  NO personal information.

If your submission is a play with original music or a musical, you can choose to either email or mail the
script/libretto.  If you are including any recorded part of the score, please mail a CD to the office.

If you are emailing your script, please attach only Word or PDF files. 

If you are mailing a hard copy of your script, please note: 

Double-sided pages are appreciated if possible.

Do not submit loose pages or permanent spiral binding.

Do not attach application materials to the script.

Your script will not be returned.

Each applicant should expect a final response by August 2011.

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