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Oct 25th Session 4A
Oct 25th Session 4B
Literary Pub Crawl
Press Release
Call For Submission
in collaboration with The English Department, Hunter College (West Building) at 68th Street and Lexington Avenue

OCTOBER 22-25, 2015
October 24th, 2015 - 2:15 – 3:15 pm
Session 3B
Atmospheric Embriodery
Author: Meena Alexander
Moderator: Leah Souffrant

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Meena AlexanderMeena AlexanderMeena Alexander, recently described in The Statesman as “undoubtedly one of the finest poets in contemporary times.” brings us a brilliant new collection of poems Atmospheric Embroidery (Hachette India, 2015) The poems in her latest book  evoke themes of migration, war, dislocation, conflict, love and divinity in lines of precise grace. Her poem `Bright Passage’ included in this book was featured on the wall of the Smithsonian for the 2014exhibition `Beyond Bollywood: Indian Americans Remake the Nation’. Alexander’s Illiterate Heart won the PEN Open Book Award and she has received awards from the Guggenheim, Fulbright and Rockefeller Foundations as well as the Arts Council of England. Praise for her previous book Birthplace with Buried Stones: 'With one hand on the things and textures of the material world and the other reaching into the mysteries beyond us Meena Alexander does what poetry does best conveying us from the Known to the Unknown with grace and formal care.' - Billy Collins. For more information see

Leah SouffrantLeah Souffrant, M.F.A., Ph.D, is a poet and critic. She is a faculty member of New York University. Souffrant holds degrees from Vassar College, the Bennington Writing Seminars, and The Graduate Center, CUNY. Souffrant has been recognized as a New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) Fellow in Poetry and her poetry and recent theoretical writing on poetics and visual culture can be found or are forthcoming in publications including Jacket2, EOAGH, Poet Lore, the Burnside Review, WSQ, the Pennsylvania Literary Journal and elsewhere.  

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