Kickoff - Madhur Jaffrey
Opening Night :
Sir Salman Rushdie +Suketu Mehta
Festival Overview
Festival Schedule
Closing Night: Mira Nair + Sabrina Dhawan
Oct 24th Session 1A
Oct 24th Session 1B
Oct 24th Session 2A
Oct 24th Session 2B
Oct 24th Session 3A
Oct 24th Session 3B
Oct 24th Session 4A
Oct 24th Session 4B
Oct 25th Session 1A
Oct 25th Session 1B
Oct 25th Session 2A
Oct 25th Session 2B
Oct 25th Session 3A
Oct 25th Session 3B
Oct 25th Session 4A
Oct 25th Session 4B
Literary Pub Crawl
Press Release
Livestream Videos
Call For Submission


OCTOBER 22-25, 2015
Kickoff Book Launch, Thursday October 22nd, 7:00-9:00 pm.
Madhur JaffreyMadhur Jaffrey's Vegetarian India
Glass Cafeteria, Hunter College (West Building), NYC
Buy Tickets $25 general admission; $20 IAAC members & Hunter College Students/Faculty

Award winning food writer and actress Madhur Jaffrey has won numerous accolades in theatre, film and food!  Six of her cookbooks have won the James Beard Award for food and beverage in America.  With more than two hundred recipes, beautifully illustrated throughout, and including personal photographs from Jaffrey’s own travels, Vegetarian India is a kitchen essential for vegetable enthusiasts and home cooks everywhere.  A Q&A and wine reception will follow her book launch.
Opening Session , Friday October 23rd7:00-9:00 pm.  Buy Tickets $50 general admission; $45 IAAC members & Hunter College students/faculty
Bombay Boys in New YorkBombay Boys in New York
615 W, Hunter College, NYC
Moderator: Amitava Kumar

BOMBAY BOYS IN NEW YORK features Booker of Booker author Salman Rushdie and Kiriyama Prize winning author Suketu Mehta in conversation about the two cities Bombay and New York. Both authors have written extensively about both cities - the fecund and the dazzle, cities which aren't typical of either of the two countries they inhabit.
Suketu wrote Maximum City Bombay Lost & Found and is currently writing a book on New York in the same vein. Salman has referenced and set several of his novels in Bombay and his current book Two Years, Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights opens in New York with a trip to Bombay.
October 24th & 25th10:30 am - 5:30 pm.
Author Sessions - see Schedule
Tickets: $15 general admission; $12 IAAC members; Hunter College students/faculty
Rooms 605 & Staff Lounge, Hunter College, NYC.
Two days of amazing book readings, fascinating panels, stimulating discussions, awesome book signings, and literary pub crawl.

October 24th, 9 pm : Literary Pub Crawl Buy Tickets $35 general admission; $30 IAAC members; Hunter college students/faculty
White Horse Tavern, 567 Hudson St, on 11th St.

Local actors will take you on a fascinating walking tour of several Greenwich Village bars rich with literary history. While you relax over a drink, they will weave fantastic tales of the pubs, the neighborhood, and the writers who helped shape both the village and the world.
Closing Night Session, Sunday October 25th, 7 - 9 pm. Buy Tickets $35 general admission; $30 IAAC members; Hunter college students/faculty
Mira Nair & Sabrina DhawanMira Nair & Sabrina Dhawan in conversation:  From Page to Stage
615 W, Hunter College, NYC
Moderator: Henry Bean
Post discussion Q&A and wine reception.

Filmmaker, screen-writer, producer Sabrina Dhawan made her screenwriting debut with Director Mira Nair's Monsoon Wedding which won the Leon D'Oro at the Venice Film Festival and received a Golden Globe nomination. She is now writing a script for the upcoming Stage Production of Mira's Monsoon Wedding. Mira and Sabrina will discuss the process of page to stage (and screen to stage!) as well as their amazing collaboration on both the film and the play.
Daily pass: $50 regular, $ 40 IAAC & Hunter College students & faculty w/ID Buy Tickets
Festival pass: $150 regular; $100 IAAC & Hunter College students & faculty w/ID Buy Tickets (includes all Lit Fest events from the Kickoff to the Closing Night)
The Second Annual IAAC Literary Festival will feature work by authors whose heritage lies in the Indian subcontinent, as well as those who have written about a subject connected to any aspect of that part of the world. We will feature veteran as well as emerging authors along with publishers and literary agents in order to create exciting discussions surrounding the various genres and themes represented.
India Abroad DS Foundation ThakkarHarriceNY-Dreams B4UAVSmoleculecommunications The Common James Luce Foundationsufi-wine-mirza-ghalib Sammaamrita sigh
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