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Gandhi my father
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The world knows about Mahatma Gandhi's role in the Indian freedom movement and as a social reformer. But there are large gaps in our knowledge of Gandhi as a person and a family man, particularly the tumultuous relationship with Harilal, his eldest son.
Five months after the death of Gandhi, Harilal died a destitute in a Bombay hospital. Unknown…Unsung. 'Gandhi My Father' is the true story of one of the greatest human beings of the 20th century and the failed relationship with his son. Forced to live in the shadow of a Great Father, the son tried to seek an identity of his own. His aspirations to study law in England, become a barrister and help his father were discouraged by
Gandhi, who insisted that such ambitions and a normal family life should be sacrificed for the larger good of the society. Unable to accept this, Harilal rebelled, tried to stand on his own but failed. He roamed the streets of India like a beggar, converted to Islam, returned to Hinduism and finally drank himself to death.
Set against one of politically most turbulent times in India, the film tells an intensely personal story of a father struggling to resolve the destinies of his country and that of his son. Not to be forgotten is the role of Gandhi's wife, Kasturba, who was caught between the traditional, unquestioning loyalty of a Hindu wife to her husband and her love for the son.
Mahatma Gandhi could transform the soul of a nation but could not save the soul of his own son.

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